Magnet is a voluntary integration program that provides rigorous, high-quality, theme-based instruction to facilitate student learning and promote academic achievement.
PWT is one of Los Angeles Unified's original integration programs and was established to provide students with integrated school experiences at pre-identified schools within our district.
Dual Language Education students learn two languages and strengthen their sociocultural skills, becoming bilingual and biliterate. International Newcomer Academy students develop formal academic English skills and content knowledge to fulfill A-G graduation requirements.
K-12 schools receive the SAS designation for exemplary practices in meeting the unique academic and social-emotional needs of gifted/high ability learners.
UEP programs have additional selection requirements. Los Angeles Unified offers two single-gender Academies, concurrent college enrollment and Individual Honors Programs (IHP). Students outside of Los Angeles Unified boundaries may also apply.
Affiliated Charter Schools are semi-autonomous District schools with instructional program flexibility to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Students outside of the resident attendance boundary and Los Angeles Unified boundaries may apply.